Early this week, DENSO International America (DIAM) was notified that five (5) associates on our DIAM Southfield campus have tested positive for COVID-19.
Following our guidelines, we have thoroughly cleaned and sanitized all areas where these associates had prolonged contact, including the common spaces in all buildings. Everyone who needs to quarantine due to close contact with these associates has been notified. We do ask that associates continue to closely monitor their personal health at home and follow screening procedures before entering the facility.
Please respect confidentiality, even if you believe you know who these individuals are. They are quarantining at home; please join us in wishing for their full recovery.
We have been asked to clarify the process we follow for reporting and following up on positive COVID-19 diagnoses for our associates.
Associates who test positive for COVID-19 must email covid@na.denso.com. From there, SHE (Safety, Health, Environment), NAHR (North American Human Resources), and/or your management will work with you to complete a COVID-19 tracking form. Any associates identified as having had close contact with a positive diagnosed individual are contacted and instructed to quarantine. DIAM uses the DENSO Family Health Center on DMMI’s campus for medical support and to determine when associates are cleared to return to work.
We will not share names of diagnosed associates or those in quarantine to respect privacy.