New Entrance Screening Protocol
DMMI continues to enhance associate safety for those required to work on-site. On Monday, April 6, we began a new entrance screening protocol for all individuals who enter our facility. You’ll answer brief questions about personal symptoms, contact with symptomatic individuals, and how much time you’ve been away from work. Please plan to arrive early for your shift to ensure you have sufficient time to complete the screening and travel to your work area.
Third-Party Deep Cleaning
On Friday evening, we were notified of a temporary worker who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. This Saturday, we brought in a professional third-party company to do warehouse deep cleaning and sanitizing with fogging. This was in addition to continuous cleaning and disinfecting.
Please remember that only individuals on the essential employee list should come to the DMMI campus. To get on the list, please email your request to with your Director copied for approval. Production associates required to work, your management is responsible to add you to the list.
Practice Social Distancing at all Times
More efforts are underway to ensure proper social distancing guidelines per the CDC can be practiced throughout our facility. Several changes have already been made, including:
•Visible floor markings at plant entrances
•Barriers between some workstations
•Restrooms marked to ensure sufficient spacing
The CDC is now recommending the wearing of face coverings (cloth, bandana, shield) in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. People may wear a homemade face covering (must cover mouth and nose), in office and plant areas. For areas where social distancing cannot be accomplished, DMMI will provide face coverings. We ask that everyone make their DENSO-provided face covering last at least two shifts.
Even before this new CDC guidance on face coverings, these items were in high demand. Our goal is to avoid any impact on the availability of medical grade face masks for emergency and medical personnel while also protecting our associates.
Smoke Shack Closure
All smoke shacks have been closed effective Monday, April 6. This is an additional safety measure due to risks of people exhaling smoke which could carry droplets. Smoking is allowed in associate personal vehicles. Please do not litter with butts and ensure cigarettes are extinguished to prevent fire risks. Please allow time for walking, hand washing and sanitizing before returning to your work area.
Vending Machine Cleaning
While most common areas have been closed or modified for social distancing, some common areas are inevitable in our facility. In addition to available cleaning supplies for production and office workspaces and the dining center, materials have now been added to vending areas. Please wipe down touch points before and after use.
Virtual Town Hall: Wednesday, April 8 at 10 AM
Please plan to join DMMI President Kevin Carson and a panel of DMMI subject matter experts for a virtual Town Hall Meeting Live on April 8 from 10am – 11am via Webex. All associates are welcome to submit questions in advance through this Survey Monkey link: or by emailing A link to join via computer or teleconference will be shared tomorrow.
Thank you again to all associates for your understanding, hard work and continuous display of DENSO Spirit during this difficult time.