Hello DMMI Family,
This has been a bittersweet week. The drastic actions we have taken to combat COVID-19 as a country are showing some promising health effects. At the same time, the pandemic’s impact on the economy is staggering, as companies lack revenue despite ongoing expenses. DENSO and DMMI are no exception.
I know the compensation change we announced this week will present serious challenges. There is a family behind every paycheck. However, DENSO is a strong company, but we are not invincible. Protecting the future of our entire DENSO family is key to ensure OUR collective future. We must continue to use strong DENSO Spirit—Foresight, Credibility and Collaboration—as we navigate the future.
Throughout this shutdown, we are continuing to work closely with our customers. How they resume operations directs our return to work strategy, and their intentions are becoming clearer. Right now, the gradual approach most customers are planning will lower order volumes for DMMI. To prepare for these changes, we will begin reducing our temporary workforce the week of April 27. Many of you began your DENSO career as a temporary, and know how essential these teammates have been to our success. While I am saddened by this decision, I’m certain that temporary workers will play an important role in our future.
Over the past four weeks, we have supplied service parts and started manufacturing medical equipment. Please look for detailed communication about DENSO’s contributions to the health and well-being of health care workers coming soon. I am extremely grateful for the dedication and unwavering DENSO Spirit that our fellow associates have shown. We are all thankful and proud of you.
Finally, we have announced our next Town Hall meeting will take place on Thursday, April 23 at 4pm. It would be great to have all of you join. Have a safe and blessed week.