January 7, 2020
Our Future: Mid-term Plan – Keeping us on track
Our Long-term Plan is a checkpoint in our journey to our Long-term Policy. But what will keep us on the right path to our Long-term Plan? Our Mid-Term Plan. With 2022 targets of ¥5.6 trillion and an operating margin of more than 8%, it focuses on three perspectives:
Taking on the Challenge of Creating New Value
- Establish de facto standards in integrated vehicle systems and lead the way in electrification and automated driving
- Create new value and business models for mobility services
- Position FA and agriculture as new business pillars
- Flexibly create new products in epicenters of innovation around the world
Strengthening Profitability to Support Future Growth
- Implement speedy business management through a smaller head office and headquarters and enhance Group companies in Japan and overseas
- Establish sources for competitiveness by creating innovative technologies using our key devices and establishing industry standards
- Realize unrivaled front-line capabilities through DANTOTSU plants and factory IoT
- Significantly accelerate development and bloster profitability through co-creation with business partners and business process innovation
Reforming Our Management Foundation
- Inherit the DENSO Creed and establish a solid foundation for quality and safety in new domains, such as robotics and digitization
- Draw on the power of individuals and maximize speed and front-line vitality by developing motivated human resources and utilizing cutting-edge IT
- Establish lean production systems throughout the supply chain and enhance the competitiveness of our manufacturing
- Develop businesses with an awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals in order to create a sustainable society
With these in the forefront of our minds, we’ll head into 2022 with the foundation necessary to reach our goals for 2026 and beyond. Let’s go!
Company Direction